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Kate Brallier on Seal Island

Kate Brallier is a native of New York City's Upper West Side.  As a child, her family spent summers on a forested island in the DownEast region of Maine.  Her family bought six acres overlooking the sunsets of Penobscot Bay but, lacking a house, they had to make do with tents instead--quite a contrast to a New York apartment.

Despite a life-long obsession with reading and writing, Kate trained as a biologist, attending Yale University and the University of California at Irvine, before throwing it all in for the exotic world of publishing.

She is a now a senior editor for a major New York publisher, and tries her best to balance married life, writing, editing, and a profound love of travel.

Seal Island has been Kate's first try at paranormal romance.  She has enjoyed working with Tor Paranormal Romance, and Kate has been very excited at the reception Seal Island has received so far (see our Kind Words page for a sense of what's got Kate smiling). 

If you give her a chance, Kate will tell you all about the stories that she and her friends wrote together when they were suppose to be studying.  (Whole novels swapped between friends just to make other friends blush!)  Seal Island is a dream coming true.



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